Friday 12 October 2012


Phew, well, believe it or not, these were actually completed over last weekend, but i wasn't quite happy enough with the wellies to show them to the world. Here you have it; a little easter egg in the form of a cute character from last year's show reel (but now a rag doll) and a pair of wellies off her very own feet, props in their own right once i jazzed them up a bit for real human feet :)

 I modelled the head from a cube and extruded the nose and ear

 The main hair was also extruded

 The body was shaped from a cylinder

 The leg is a simple cylinder and the wellies are basically two cylinders.
 Button eyes: made by extruding a cylinder.

 The main welly boot was taken straight from the model of the doll, but i thought they looked too warped to be on human feet, so i did some research and made them more realistic by adding handles which i manipulated to look a bit droopy using a lattice. I also made a visible chunky rim (partly to hide the tips of the handle shapes).

 I made a corrugated looking sole from a cube and manipulated it with a lattice.
I hope these'll brighten up the kiddies' bedroom :)

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